Enough for this morning.
“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” ( Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh)
Enough for this afternoon.
Enough for this morning.
“We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” ( Zen Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh)
Enough for this afternoon.
More and more
naps are called for
more and more
I pray for happy death
of trump, musk, et al, et al
for my own, but not with
them, not same ferry on styx
-- if fact, no river for me, I'll
ride an old oak leaf in a gust
and drop off as it flips over
letting go, realizing nothing
falls tumbling into nothing there
a perfect turnover
canadian robin and male cardinal
tilting heads watching nothing at all
It’s a strange thought, I know. But is the current madness of so-called leadership in the United States a sign that we’ve lost touch with the ground reality of existence?
And what is that?
What is the opposite of these existential realities?
Ours is not a political problem.
It is a deficit of heart and mind.
If we are to move past hatred and revenge we must see the ground we stand on.
To remember that we stand on sacred ground — love, kindness, trust.
Donald Trump is misguided.
His minions are misfollowers.
Who would not reach for a hapless child wandering into deadly traffic?
Who would permit a toddler to eat razor blades?
The sacred ground waits for us to look under our feet.
The sound of truth pauses as we tilt our head to hear its faint sound.
Let’s start anew.
Lace boots.
Pull hat over ears.
Lower eyes.
Touch mezuzah.
Remember What Is One.
As though
We were
Psalm 66 | |
Deus misereátur nostri, et benedícat nobis: * illúminet vultum suum super nos, et misereátur nostri. Ut cognoscámus in terra viam tuam: * in ómnibus géntibus salutáre tuum. Confiteántur tibi pópuli, Deus: * confiteántur tibi pópuli omnes. Læténtur et exsúltent gentes: † quóniam iúdicas pópulos in æquitáte, * et gentes in terra dírigis. Confiteántur tibi pópuli, Deus, † confiteántur tibi pópuli omnes: * terra dedit fructum suum. Benedícat nos Deus, Deus noster, benedícat nos Deus: * et métant eum omnes fines terræ. Glória Patri, and Fílio, * and Spirítui Sancto. Sicut erat in principle, et nunc, et semper, * et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen. | May God have mercy on us and bless us! May he make his face shine upon us, and have mercy on us, That your ways may be known throughout all the earth, and that all nations may share in your salvation! Let the peoples praise you, O God; let the peoples all praise you! Let the nations be glad and rejoice! For you judge the peoples with equity, and rule all who dwell on the earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God, let the peoples all praise you! The earth has yielded its fruit. May God, our God, bless us! May God bless us, and may all the ends of the earth fear him! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. |
In Gaza such pain
Disinheritance suffering
Hardly seems any
Comparison nears —
The awfulness
Crinkling snow underfoot
after sleet frozen fall
Dog takes long pee
Moon high overhead
Smell of wood fire
in stove drifts lazily
Doctor says one cancer
Is slow moving, another
Concerns, might want
surgery — I’ll weigh
That option, he seems
Surprised that I’d hesitate.
But i do.
Pass my pregnant nurse-
Practitioner in hall, say “hi
I used to volunteer here
Cancer care, patient’s rooms
Across parking lot at hospice —
Not now. Now i just have
appointments, am missed
Inside chemotherapy room,
My deactivated badge in foyer
My energy gone for gurney ride
Recounting that slipping fall
Under anesthesia into darkness—
Windshield wipers standing erect
Too much truth
Dims I-sight
Telling me a lie
Helps my sight
I’m so pleased
To see you
In your
I tell my doctor I study hermeneutics. The signature in their 'thank you' card of the doc who surveyed my pancreas began with a "B" laid on its side looking all the world like cartoon of buttocks. He also does colonoscopies. There was a chuckle.
Reading Merton at Calcutta suggests a similar brush stroke. Some neologism was suggested. Some breath beginning to sound through throats long accustomed to silence. A revolution of syntax, an haruspicy glancing into the entrails of moribund religion to divine the future. A coming to word.
Thomas Merton’s Closing Prayer
Offered at the first Spiritual Summit Conference, given in Calcutta. Nov.1968
I will ask you all to stand and join hands in a little while. But first, we realize that we are going to have to create a new language of prayer. And this new language of prayer has to come out of something which transcends all our traditions and comes out of the immediacy of love. We have to part now, aware of the love that unites us, the love that unites us in the spite of real differences, real emotional friction.… The things that are on the surface are nothing, what is deep is Real. We are creatures of love. Let us therefore join hands, as we did before, and I will try to say something that comes out of the depths of our hearts. I ask you to concentrate on the love that is in you, that is in us all. I have no idea what I am going to say. I am going to be silent a minute, then I will say something….
Closing Prayer
Oh God, we are one with You. You have made us one with You. You have taught us that if we are open to one another, You will dwell in us. Help us to preserve this openness and to fight for it with all our hearts. Help us to realize that there can be no understanding where there is mutual rejection. Oh God, in accepting one another wholeheartedly, fully, completely, we accept You, and we thank You, and we adore You, and we love You with our whole being, because our being is in Your being, our spirit is rooted in Your spirit. Fill us then with love and let us be bound together with love as we go our diverse ways, united in this one spirit which makes You present in the world, and which makes You witness the ultimate reality that is love. Love has overcome. Love is victorious. Amen.
If our being is God's being, how speak or communicate such?
It is a prolepsis.
A time before.
Before coming to sound.
Before coming to word.
Before coming to ourselves.
Before The Divine One comes to ITSELF.
Finishing Thomas Keating: The Making of a Modern Christian Mystic (2024), by Cynthia Bourgeault.
Two quotes:
“The notion that God is absent is the fundamental illusion of the human condition.” (Thomas Keating)
As the false self diminishes
And the ego becomes a servant,
Everything turns into poetry
And everything becomes a movement of Divine Love.
But, the separate self lingers on.
Once the separate self has been laid to rest,
The Divine Presence alone remains,
And the Creator of all becomes all in all.
(—stanzas 3 and 4 of his opening poem “Out of a Stone” in The Secret Storm, by Thomas Keating)
Good enough, Thomas!
Good —
Yes, why not, yes
Yes to everything
Even to each no
Why not, then,
No to each and
Every yes
Non-duality is as
Overrated as
Duality is, both
Inadequate. What’s
The non-alternative —
No/yes, yes/no?
You tell me
Up against it all
A snowplow
She knows
He is leaving
She knows
A kindness
Seeps into
This realization
Each hello
Last one
When is it better to remember
and when to forget?
we remember those who've killed our family
hating them, wanting vengeance
we forget who we are, sliding into
anesthetic unconsciousness, drifting off
the blankness, no recall, no new imput
do with me as you will -- unwind my body.
but to forget, to drop past into hole in ice
be condemned to the present, surrounded
by only what is here what is now -- alzheimer's
prison cell of un-referenced non-coordinates
a medical horror of flat non-temporicity
death before death, loss before loss.
And yet, and yet -- to forget, to forget
with clear mind and full consciousness
is the present moment unconstrained
unburdened -- yet opened fully -- there
the uncaptioned arrival of this moment.
These days some say we live subjected
the tyranny of willful wealth and power
making right with might each slight --
cruelty instead of kindness -- despondence
rather than community -- distemper, political
disorder -- a viral disease of wealth ruling --
once we shot the dogs, now we send money
to support their appetite, to feed their habit.
I hear the whispers, one says remember
one says forget. I am a patient etherized
upon a table, someone is cutting into me
there is a house in the dream, and a road
in the dream, he is riding off on motorcycle
he waves, rain is coming, I've been here before
a recurring dream, I am not remembering, I am
returning someplace I have once and future been
the house is white, three stories, on a steep hill
across road is smaller road I've been down before
I know this place but do not remember it, the kitchen
long drive-in to back pole barn and outbuilding
somewhere in Nova Scotia? Or Santa Cruz mountains?
I cannot remember. I cannot forget. I remain still.
Luckily it is night. The snow moon hovers. The cold
- “Contemplari et contemplata aliis tradere” is a Latin phrase that means “to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of contemplation”. It is a motto of the Dominican Order. (--cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemplata_aliis_tradere)
- If ressourcement is about revitalization, renewal, then the oft-mentioned, but often misunderstood concept, aggiornamento is essentially a question of a new and wider contextualization, with the aim of finding new ways to rethink and reformulate the fundamental affirmations of the Christian faith in order to more effectively communicate the Gospel. ( https://insightscoop.typepad.com/2004/2014/08/ressourcement-aggiornamento-and-vatican-ii-in-ecumenical-perspective.html#:~:text=If%20ressourcement%20is%20about%20revitalization,faith%20in%20order%20to%20more)
Teilhard spoke of
the above and the ahead
the conception of God from
above or from what is ahead of us
the so-called heaven(s) or
the so-called future
back then or
up ahead
where we've been or
where we're going
just as poets say that translation
of a poem is a different poem
ressourcement and aggiornamento
are different religions different faiths
consider yours -- is God above and back then?
or, ahead and in each next step?
and which calls for a deeper faith?
which throws you into deeper consternation?
I stand on my head
I twirl in barnyard corral
snow deepens in the slog
ice hangs from roof and thickens
I look back, I look ahead --
the room wherein I sit goes nowhere
(* fool’s gold)
Much of our lives
Going along to
Get the hell what we want
Giving up integrity
To fawn over the rich
The celebrity, the powerful
My brothers and sisters
We are living a lie
Told by a fool
Surrounded by fools
The laughing crowd
Foolishly following
For their own
A public
- λύπη και χαρά (sorrow and joy)
- "Monsters aren't born monsters." (from documentary on Sean John Combs. aka Puff Diddy)
- Immaculáta Concéptio tua Dei Génitrix Virgo. / Your stainless conception. Maiden Mother of God.
- Gáudium annuntiávit univérso mundo. / Was a message of joy to the whole world. (Laudes -Versus, Neumz, 11feb.25, Our Lady of Lourdes)
we become what we are by
beginning with who we are
day by day, choice by choice
evolving into the face now seen
Buddhists say causes and conditions
Catholics say a trace of the first sin
I don't know.
It is beyond my understanding
The Lady showed up in France
Sean showed up in music industry
What we show is what we know
What we know is what we show.
Ο Θεός είναι όλα μέσα σε όλα
God is all in all
obscure and
God waits
loud and
performative man
if you want
to know God
within everything
see nothing
start fresh
ignore foolishness
tell God
you are
what if prayer is
the shining through
of what is
the way first
daylight shines through
hilltop ridge trees
evergreen, rock ground snow
bare branched deciduous
that brief glimpse of
what is behind things
seeing through
letting be seen
obscure holography
gazing God
pale blue
first light
imagination goes
in dreams, I went
then waking
into this
sitting looking
eastly through
cross, power line
twilight dawn
if ever I
learn how to pray
I will remember
night stepping back
first sight into what
might [have] be[en],
the way earth
turns without seeming
to lose balance
I remember
everyone wronged
by my lack[ing of] prayer
Self realization is
Coming to see
What cannot be seen,
Saying nothing
What is heard is
Seen sound
Sitting in car
mainstreet Thomaston
listening to Neumz
monastic cell
trucks passing
latin cadences
a friend visits friend
in new apartment
just after prison
it is peripatetic
this solitude
stroph after stanza
ending earlier with
For love are in you
am in i are in we
e.e.cummings, paroles
bringing it home, free,
commuted, pardoned
What are you waiting for?
Me? Nothing
You’re standing inside it.
I’m dizzy. Everything is turning.
Go in peace! Spin no more.
I am earth. I turn and spin.
No, you are my imagination.
I am not . . .
No, you’re not. Now go away.
[Falling away — As one, disappears.]
Quickly, quickly
There’s little time remaining
Day is slowly slowly darkening
If you want to talk, talk indeed
Say it all at once, no punctuation
Oh lord, here comes silence
Don’t look over at it
Go about your pondering
As if nothing were wrong
Clouds muffle sound of airplane. Clouds drop snow covering and muting everything with descending flakes and powder.
Looking at clouds from both sides
I’m am a cloud seeing nothing but itself.
Vicissitudes of Sunday morning.
Body impermanent like spring mist;
Mind insubstantial like empty sky;
Thoughts unestablished like breezes in space.
Think about these three points over and over.
—Godrakpa (1170-1249)
I sleep. I awaken. I sleep. I awaken
There are coffee beans in kitchen next to stove under icon of mother and child.
“Love,” it reads,”is all you need.”
Love is all you.
We need to be what we are, all this and that, we are what we need.