In prison today we talk about Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj. The statement of acknowledgment and submission to Allah; the five times of prayer daily; the charity shown and shared with one another; the fasting during the month of Ramadan; and the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Wholeness matters. Practicing and doing what we are...doing, matters. Serving all our brothers and sisters matters. Self-emptying and surrendering to the whole-beyond-ego, matters. Journeying alone-with-others to the common place of undifferentiated sacred practice, matters.
God -- at all times, with all people, the intimate transcending mere compassion beyond a limiting self -- is our practice and journey with everyone and everything that lives and breathes and has being in this world.
Poor people matter. Are instances of compassion. Belong. And prisons must dissolve.
Sitting alone in peaceOne Imam called Allah "the compassionate and the compassionating."
Before these cliffs
The full moon is
Heaven's beacon
The ten thousand things
Are all reflections
The moon originally
Has no light
Wide open
The spirit of itself is pure
Hold fast to the void
Realize its subtle mystery
Look at the moon like this
This moon that is the heart's pivot
- Han-shan
To surrender to God is to allow compassion to be who and what we are.
To be asked, "Do you believe in God?" is to be asked, "Is compassion for you?"
Yea, it is.
David leaves us his Tibetan calligraphy. It encourages perseverance.
For us to become.
For peace to pervade.
We Persevere.