Avoid getting into debt, except the debt of mutual love. If you love your fellow men you have carried out your obligations. All the commandments: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not steal, you shall not covet, and so on, are summed up in this single command: You must love your neighbour as yourself. Love is the one thing that cannot hurt your neighbour; that is why it is the answer to every one of the commandments.Who can say, "I am you."
(--Romans 13:8 - 10)
Amness is amnesty. Isness is forgiveness.When we don't awake to Being, when we fail to remember Being, we consequently do not practice forgiveness -- not extending it nor receiving it. Forgiveness is the all-encompassing. Nothing is left out. It is only when we intentionally and repeatedly attempt to push ourselves away from the all-encompassing, when we attempt in word and act to push others out and away from the all-encompassing, that we dwell in unreality and illusion, thereby choosing to live in a false and insubstantial realm of what has traditionally been called 'sin' and also known as delusion. This delusion very often harms everyone encountering the delusional aspect of fragmentation and separation.
We are, as many are coming to understand, better people than harming and hurting agents fostering separation and divisiveness.
We must remember, recall, and re-embody what we really and truly are -- being all-encompassing.
“There is no material that exists for the production of Name and Form; and when Name and Form cease, they do not go anywhither in space. After Name and Form have ceased, they do not exist anywhere in the shape of heaped-up music material. Thus when a lute is played upon, there is no previous store of sound and when the music ceases it does not go anywhither in space. When it has ceased, it exists nowhere in a stored-up state. Having previously been non-existent, it came into existence on account of the structure and stem of the lute and the exertions of the performer; and as it came into existence so it passes away. In exactly the same way, all elements of being, both corporeal and non-corporeal come into existence after having previously been non-existent; and having come into existence passes away.”Nothing comes and nothing goes. In Vedanta it is called pure consciousness.
-- Paul Carus, The Gospel of Buddha
Nothing else to be said.