People worry they do not grasp christianity, or, perhaps, that they've dismissed it for its failures.
Therefore prepare your minds for action; discipline yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you when he is revealed.
- 1 Peter 1:13
Perhaps fretting is premature.
Christianity has not yet been revealed.
Hence, there is nothing yet to be grasped. There is nothing yet to be dismissed.
Jesus, the man of history, you might say, is the beginning of the transformation of the has-been and the coming-to-be of humanity on the way to something we are not yet certain what.
We are, as Jesus is, in process -- a continual and perennial process toward a coming-to-be as yet unsuspected and perhaps inconceivable.
The movement of it all invites an ongoing realization that the movement itself is the urge and the vital energy of one thing becoming another becoming the thing-itself only to continue on into realms of unimaginable creative processes of coming-to-be.
There are, yes, those who try to nail time to clouds. Those who try to box up and sell pieces of the process as knickknacks trademarked and patented for proprietary consumption. These are entrepreneurs of contained and controlled sect and lore.
The truth, I submit, is something else.
So the question becomes: What is being revealed in its becoming itself?
Try this on as a spiritual inquiry!