Happy those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. I tell you solemnly, he will put on an apron, sit them down at table and wait on them.I watch. I gaze into the emptiness of everyday life and see the fullness of no other place, nothing else to do. It is all right here. God, one might suggest, is here. Where is there to go?
(--from Luke 12:32-48)
Do not say that I'll depart tomorrowWe can't say we've been there. It would be a lie. No. We are only always just arriving. Hello! Is there room in this inn? Will you wake me at 6AM?
because even today I still arrive.
(--from poem, Call Me by My True Names, by Thich Nhat Hanh)
In my pot nothingIf the cosmos is cold, dark, and empty, then we are cold, dark, and empty. But with a difference. We have the capacity to make of the cosmos a place of meaning. Make it a phenomenal place.
But the wind's deep moan,
For company only a
Staff of wisteria vine;
Last night we chatted
And laughed till all hours;
The empty sky listened with a cold heart.
- Muso Soseki (1275–1351)
Attributes are not limitations.
We are the transcendence of any limitation mind imposes.
Metanoia, beyond-mind, checks us out of our former accommodations and leads us to new bright places of spirit, truth, heart, and, most importantly, laughter.
I greet you there and here.
Enjoy your companions.
Enjoy forever being born!