Tuesday, January 14, 2025

at some point it’s silly to keep trying

 All the traditional expressions of religion fade.

All the alternative neologisms of spirituality do not gain traction.

What is left?

What remains is the walk to gate to open or close it.

The walk back to barn passing overturned dinghy under bookshed light.

Moon on snow

Cold on everything 

Prospect of death looking out from night path up mountain —

I would take the cocktail

After one last double chocolate donut

A final bell chant

it is not outside the body

There's a need to cut off confusion.

Watching Senate Armed Services Committee question nominee Hegseth for Secretary of Defense position, I am reminded of Chinul: 

 Some people, not knowing the essential emptiness of good and evil, think practical cultivation of mind means to sit rigidly immobile, subduing mind and body, like a rock placed on top of grass. 

This is ludicrous. That is why it is said that followers cut off confusion in every state of mind, yet the mind that does the cutting off is a brigand.      Chinul (1158-1210) 

You can't catch someone out about any fact, however documented and obvious, if they simple deny and obfuscate with the support and approval of partisan-minded aficionados who are in the majority. What we call "truth" is a sometimes thing.

We're not dealing with facts, we're experiencing mind -- that which is burrowed deep within the Within, a place seldom visited by side-takers and self-aggrandizers. The outside dwellers know (vaguely) only the outside. This is where love has gone to die. Where it loses breath and -- like the sonic beating of an MRI claustrophobia cadence -- searches the body for signs of any residual interiority.

T h e triple world is blazing in defilement as if it were a house on fire. I How can you bear to tarry here and complacently undergo such long suffering? If you wish to avoid wandering in samsara there is no better way than to seek Buddhahood. If you want to become a Buddha, understand that Buddha is the mind. How can you search for the mind in the far distance? It is not outside the body. The physical body is a phantom, for it is subject to birth and death; the true mind is like space, for it neither ends nor changes. Therefore it is said, "These hundred bones will crumble and return to fire and wind. But One Thing is eternally numinous and covers heaven and earth."

It is tragic. People have been deluded for so long. They do not recognize that their own minds are the true Buddhas. They do not recognize that their own natures are the true dharma. They want to search for the dharma, yet they still look far away for holy ones. They want to search for the Buddha, yet they will not observe their own minds. If they aspire to the path of Buddhahood while obstinately holding to their feeling that the Buddha is outside the mind or the dharma is outside the nature, then, even though they pass through kalpas as numerous as dust motes, burning their bodies, charring their arms; crushing their bones and exposing their marrow, or else write sutras with their own blood, never lying down to sleep, eating only one offering a day at the hour of the Hare [5 to 7 A.M.], or even studying through the entire Tripitaka and cultivating all sorts of ascetic practices, it is like trying to make rice by boiling sand -- it will only add to their tribulation. 3 If they would only understand their own minds, then, without searching, approaches to dharma as numerous as the sands of the Ganges and uncountable sublime meanings would all be understood. As the World Honored One said, "I see that all sentient beings everywhere are endowed with a tathāgata's  wisdom and virtue.'" He also said, "All the illusory guises in which sentient beings appear take shape in the sublime mind of the tathāgata's complete enlightenment." Consequently you should know that outside this mind there is no Buddhahood which can be attained. All the Buddhas of the past were merely persons who understood their minds. All the sages and saints of the present are likewise merely persons who have cultivated their minds. All future meditators should rely on this dharma as well.  

I hope that you who cultivate the path will never search outside. The nature of the mind is unstained; it is originally whole and complete in itself. If you will only leave behind false conditioning, you will be "such" like the Buddha.'

(--in Secrets on Cultivating the Mind, by Susim Kyǒl, pp 140-41)

If we do not understand the mind we settle for preferences and opinion. If we understand the mind -- wisdom and virtue are heard in conversation.

There might not be much hope for the structures of governance with its contentious manipulation and divisive dismembering of what once we valued as truth. Smug dissembling, shucking and jiving, opting for convenient mistruths -- these flood airways and print columns, and dissociative social media.

 "All the Buddhas of the past were merely persons who understood their minds." This reflection gives pause as we wonder where the Buddhas of the present dwell.

I suspect it is not outside the body.

Let me in whee-ooh (whee-ooh, whee-ooh, hoop-whee-ooh)

(Whee-ooh, whee-ooh, hoo-ooh-oop-whee-ooh, whee-ooh) 

("Let Me In" by The Sensations, 1962)

at the bottom of our minds

 Doris, our elder, sends Stanley Kunitz from New York's Hudson Valley:

Poetry is ultimately mythology, the telling of stories of the soul. The old myths, the old gods, the old heroes have never died. They are only sleeping at the bottom of our minds, waiting for our call. We have need of them, for in their sum they epitomize the wisdom and experience of the race.

. . . 

The poem comes in the form of a blessing, like rapture breaking on the mind.

--Stanley Kunitz 


This is one of the benefits of having such an elder.

And there having been a Stanley Kunitz (1905-2006)


πουθενά, ουδαμού*

 I know why so many 

do not like poetry

because it is being


To see in words

what is unforseeable

in ordinary experience


Like early fog

over bog and hills

There and not there


We are not comfortable

with ghosts or wraithful

near-appearances like

memory or dreamstates


Presents the world

we seldom see — particular,

inter-dimensional, near

Feeling itself feeling Itself

as man in prison said: 

“this, and this, and this — 

I do not know that”

Poem becomes for so

many the whole of their

lives seen from center

out in all directions

Centrifugal, as high as deep,

wide as infinite interior,

as specific as speculative —

*Nowhere, nowhere

 to be, found

Monday, January 13, 2025

all being is nuptial, someone once wrote

Will you marry 



Thank you . . .

Don’t ask again.

Ask what?

how, yes, how

 In prison this morning, 

wondering whether rivers 

and mountains 

going on without us (so it seems)

actually carry us along


We don’t know

We cannot yet fathom 

How the feeling-spiritual 

The way we remain with

Everything we’ve touched

Felt and seen

Continuing (seemingly) 


But there

Along for the unfinishing life

unborning and undeathing

looking out

through swelling droplet 

and bare branch

over everything


clearly undifferentiated 

with neither




west coast fire

I know who to blame

for Los Angeles fires

for small fee I'll tell

(ka ching) -- Here is my report --

it was a dragon -- it was

Sunday, January 12, 2025

a topping of ice in brook

 We’re waiting for something already here

It wears our name and slips on our shoes

We wait

The way stream-bed waits when downpour

Runs through it with abandon

You don’t have to say anything to me

I’ve been listening to you since last lifetime

When you crossed the road to gather horse

Back to gate and inside

We’ve always been lovers

Like rushing water and unsettled stone 

Beside the inclines of footpaths moving away

one giant step

 By not understanding

human/earth kinship, cosmos

Ponders suicide —

What hotline can be called —who

will talk us down from the edge

this, this is what we are

 What do you know about love?

     I’d like to look into it.

Are you in love?

     There is nothing outside love.

What is nothing like?

     Just like this.

every now and then

Unnaming love

Finds home

Wherever it steps

to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with

There was a time Sunday meant church

A punctuation of week

These days landscape of snowy trees

Sun on freshly fallen overnight white

Lovely quiet voice of God bird singing

Cracking seed flying back to feeder

Everything remains as it is where it is —

dusting snow falling from branch

Ground feeders dance aside one 

another their eucharistic uncovering

Saturday, January 11, 2025

nor beginning

 Someday we will be

Released from constricting thought

Revealing no end

essence without names

Watched Interstellar again after many years.

Dimensions beyond understanding. Love as force beyond gravity, direction, or choice.

One who gives rise to the awakened mind
should know that
what is called a self or person,
a living being or a life span,
is not so in essence,
but only in concept.
Names like self, person, living being, or life span
are names only.
Subhuti, you should know
that all things of the world
are like this,
and you should have confidence
in their essence without names.

Diamond Sutra

To know that you dwell in unimaginable consciousness enfolding space, time, and thought -- where all that is or ever has been or will be -- is now and here and internal existence with no external verification, no decomposition of life force.

When we awake we will remember everything.

Un-naming with love.

but the truth is holy

Ending of The View from the Bridge, A Play in Two Acts, 1955, by Arthur Miller:

Alfieri, who is in the crowd, turns out to the audience. The lights have
gone down, leaving him in a glow, while behind him the dull prayers of
the people and the keening of the women continue.


Alfieri Most of the time now we settle for half and I like it

better. But the truth is holy, and even as I know how wrong he

was, and his death useless, I tremble, for I confess that something

perversely pure calls to me from his memory – not purely good,

but himself purely, for he allowed himself to be wholly

known and for that I think I will love him more than all my

sensible clients. And yet, it is better to settle for half, it must be!

And so I mourn him – I admit it – with a certain . . . alarm. 



 It feels the final monologue, the final line, could be epitaph for Donald Trump.

We note the "himself purely" and we note the mourning him (hymn?) with "a certain . . . alarm."

It occurs to me that many will shake their heads, as if attempting to rouse themselves from a spell or trance, and wonder how they were so captivated by the man. 

Flaws flagrant, character fragmented, steely adhaerence to misalliance, inability to feel, commiserate or bond with another outside of transaction or diminishing putdown.

Like Eddie in the play he remains unaware of himself and oblivious to insight.

I'd say it is sad, but it is more infuriating that such a man could be used and encouraged by so many people surrounding him (for their own benefit) and by so many voting Americans (for their own cynicism.)

However much longer he might continue to remain on his feet and walk, he is already dead, having been killed by his own obtuse desire to "show them" how he wanted to be respected and brought in to the elite paradigm of being the best, the greatest, the undefeatable, the most charming, most sexy, wealthiest and singularly the most indefatigable big shot that ever lived.

We will grow alarmed that we mourn his passing.

Friday, January 10, 2025

it’s only words, but words are all i have

 All the way on mountain trail

Om mani Padme hum

Behold what is within without

es gibt keinen anderen *

The president-to-be is now a fully convicted felon. (At least until his conviction is possibly overturned by the Supreme Court.)

In prison today, there was uncertainty as to whether anything fair was taking place with regard to the way the very rich, extremely powerful, and decidedly higher-ups are treated.

We didn't spend much time on such a difficult and obnoxious question.

Instead there was a consideration that language began to come to be when God said "I am not alone."

There is considerable conversation as to whether there is only inner reality and that the notion of "outside" or "other" has something to do with where love goes to die.

The prospect that love is the expansion of inner source, emerging and manifesting itself in an expanding emergence of encompassing wholeness, where all is inclusion and there is no other, draws furrowed brow consideration that wants to designate the proponent of such a notion as loopy and loony. Which is a safe designation in the group.

When we are in love, there is no out love.

Everyone is contemplating

 Isaiah's 45:5 wording in the New International Version:

I am the LORD, and there is no other *


1 Kings 8:60

...so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God. There is no other! 

It wasn't just the sentencing today that befuddled our circle, it was this notion that "there is no other." 

We spoke about the blind men encountering and identifying the elephant. We spoke about Waiting for Godot.  We spoke about the Native American woman seeing the journey of those who've passed over. We talked about doing a college independent study on physics and spirituality. We spoke about ancient civilizations and signs of advanced technology. We talked about philology and the necessity of continual hermeneutics. We sat in silence at beginning. We enjoyed one another's company.

Is there a benefit in exploring further the notion that there is no other?

Not unlike the internal combustion engine, for love to rehabilitate existence it has to be an internal comportment rearrangement

It would be as though Logos-Energy, coming to word, inspired facing one another, nodding yes, and yes, and yes.

Thursday, January 09, 2025

one thing left

 Even when there is 

nothing to be done 

we can feel

something is wrong

Fire in LA

Felon in NY

So many ways

We are crippled

do you see anything coming

The delight of reading Waiting for Godot again. The cadence lines by Samual Becket. The haunting play of it.


Where were you? I thought you were gone for ever.


They're coming!


Who ?


I don't know.


How many?


I don't know.


(triumphantly)It's Godot! At last! Gogo! It's Godot! We're saved! Let's go and meet him! (He drags Estragon towards the wings. Estragon resists, pulls himself free, exit right.) Gogo! Come back! (Vladimir runs to extreme left, scans the horizon. Enter Estragon right, he hastens towards Vladimir, falls into his arms.) There you are again again!


I'm in hell!


Where were you?


They're coming there too!


We're surrounded! (Estragon makes a rush towards back.) Imbecile! There's no way out there. (He takes Estragon by the arm and drags him towards front. Gesture towards front.) There! Not a soul in sight! Off you go! Quick! (He pushes Estragon towards auditorium. Estragon recoils in horror.) You won't? (He contemplates auditorium.) Well I can understand that. Wait till I see. (He reflects.) Your only hope left is to disappear.




Behind the tree. (Estragon hesitates.) Quick! Behind the tree. (Estragon goes and crouches behind the tree, realizes he is not hidden, comes out from behind the tree.) Decidedly this tree will not have been the slightest use to us.


(calmer)I lost my head. Forgive me. It won't happen again. Tell me what to do.  


There's nothing to do.


You go and stand there. (He draws Vladimir to extreme right and places him with his back to the stage.) There, don't move, and watch out. (Vladimir scans horizon, screening his eyes with his hand. Estragon runs and takes up same position extreme left. They turn their heads and look at each other.) Back to back like in the good old days. (They continue to look at each other for a moment, then resume their watch. Long silence.) Do you see anything coming?


(turning his head)What?  


(louder)Do you see anything coming?  




Nor I.

They resume their watch. Silence. 


(--from Waiting for Godot, by Samual Beckett  


We do seem to be waiting.

Why for, who for, perplexes. 

They are waiting together.

They cannot leave.

We are inclined not to leave.

But wait.

vita interior, hoc, est, enim, corpus meum

The outer world is killing education and learning, thinking and the amble of wisdom.

Vita interior, hoc, est, enim, corpus meum

(The inner life, for this, is, my body.)

extra interiorem nulla salus

There is no salvation outside the inner world.

(Hoc ego sedeo, aliud facere non possum. Here I sit, I cannot do other.)

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

without explanation tell me about god

I heard from God today

There was no sound but breath after breath

Not a single reason for words

a crane flying from its cage

Mythology is our visible, albeit partially fantastical, access to the invisible imaginative world.  

The stories we tell are enough to shake our sanity and befuddle our prayer life.

If you return to the Truth,

To the emptiness of delusion,

You’ll know that Buddha and people

Are not different.

Delusion is a butterfly

Plunging into the fire,

Enlightenment, a crane flying

From its cage.

Buhyu Sunsoo (1543-1615) dialyzen

Truth will become rare commodity in the United States beginning 20 January. Bluster, puffery, and absurd dominance prevaricating as pompous buffoonery will reign. It will test sanity and threaten ability to not become insanely reactive. In other words, we are expected to submit in squeamish grovel under the dictates of the Prime Felon's Megaphonic Announcements.

There's something to be said for returning to truth. Lies are a weak floorboard to stand on. Collapse and painful falling are the consequences of false persona and fictitious glower.

When the crane flaps its wings into open landscape, we take notice -- there is a way out.

a poem turns its reader into accomplice

Get out of my poem!

    Excuse me?

Get out of my poem!

    I’m not in your poem.

Yes you are, I can feel your fingerprints, I can sense your eyes. Get out!

    I don’t know what you are talking about,

Yes you do. Get out of my poem!

Just as a poem turns its reader into accomplice, so, too, the detectives become accomplice to the murder. But unlike our poetry, we like our murders to be fully solved; if, of course, it is murder, or poetry, at all.   

(in novel, Thirteen Ways of Looking, by Colum McCann)

    I was just walking by.

No, you looked in.

    I didn't see anything.

That's not the point. You looked over at the poem being written.


Admit it!


You owe me. 


You owe me

    I'll never tell.

...   ...   ...

Another piece of evidence:

Four Thousand Days and Nights 

            by Tamura Ryuichi 

For one poem to be born

we must kill

We must kill many things

We shoot, assassinate, poison the many things we love 



We shot

the silence of four thousand nights and the glare of

    four thousand days

simply because we wanted the trembling tongue of one small bird

from the sky of four thousand days and nights 



We assassinated

the love of four thousand days and the pity of four thousand nights

simply because we needed the tears of one hungry child

from all the rainy cities and blast furnaces

and the midsummer wharves and the coal mines 



We see things our eyes cannot see

We hear things our ears cannot hear

We poisoned

the power of imagination of four thousand nights

    and the cold memories of four thousand days

simply because we wanted the fear of one stray dog 


To give birth to one poem

we must kill the things we love

This is the only road to take to resurrect the dead

This is the road we have to take  


Translation by Samuel Grolmes and Tsumura Yumiko

If they question you, admit nothing.

Be wary of becoming accomplice to either murder or poetry. 

we unhear and are not heard by

Absurdity unpacks its bags and settles into its stay on couch down hall from bathroom in third floor walk up. It plans to stay a while. It has no roundtrip ticket. It doesn’t fear incarceration or assassination. Nothing can touch it. It is hard and nearly insensate from unhearing. It likes those clothes. They never have to be changed.

absurd (adj.)

"plainly illogical," 1550s, from French absurde (16c.), from Latin absurdus "out of tune, discordant;" figuratively "incongruous, foolish, silly, senseless," from ab- "off, away from," here perhaps an intensive prefix, + surdus "dull, deaf, mute," which is possibly (Watkins) from an imitative PIE root meaning "to buzz, whisper" (see susurration). The basic sense could be "out of tune."

But de Vaan writes, "Since 'deaf' often has two semantic sides, viz. 'who cannot hear' and 'who is not heard,' ab-surdus can be explained as 'which is unheard of' ..." The modern English sense is the Latin figurative one, perhaps "out of harmony with reason or propriety." Related: AbsurdlyabsurdnessTheater of the absurd is attested by 1961.

also from 1550s
Origin and meaning of absurd

(—Online Etymological Dictionary) 

The whispering murmur you think you detect is faint recall that once, a long time ago, there were words that brought joy to famished hearts. 

And now?



Oh, pardonnez-moi is that your sleeping foot or your sleeping spirit I am stepping on? 

Will you wait with me?