See? Sea? Si!
Fog hides nearly everything at Rockland Harbor. Boat horn sounds rhythmically, probably ferry to Vinalhaven.
She "came out", the text says, "dancing to the sound of timbrels." Two months later, lamenting her virginity, she was gone, a casualty of a vow her father made for the Lord's help in defeating an enemy,
As Jephthah returned to his house at Mizpah, his daughter came out from it to meet him; she was dancing to the sound of timbrels. This was his only child; apart from her he had neither son nor daughter. When he saw her, he tore his clothes and exclaimed, ‘Oh my daughter, what sorrow you are bringing me! Must it be you, the cause of my ill-fortune! I have given a promise to the Lord, and I cannot unsay what I have said.’ (--from Judges 11:29-39)
As the fog lifts, the Breakwater Light shows itself, lobster boat slowing after fast crossing,
In second reading the guy without wedding garment is tossed on his ear.
“How did you get in here, my friend, without a wedding garment?” And the man was silent. Then the king said to the attendants, “Bind him hand and foot and throw him out into the dark, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.” For many are called, but few are chosen.’ (--from Matthew 22: 1-14)
This might not be a punishment. Nonconformity may be the kingdom. We have to be tossed into it.
Silence offers no explanation.
Comments, not commentary. There are questions. Such as: Why is virginity such a powerful notion in religious literature? Are we to suppose that not-being-born is a purer state that being-born? Or is remaining intact a metaphor for not buying into the fragmentation of dissolution and disintegration? Are we being tossed to Layman Pang’s thoughts about the ‘unborn’ --
The world over:
Men without wives
Women without husbands
Face to face,
Speaking of what is unborn.
(The Sayings of Layman Pang, #3: "One Gulp")
Which notion is artificial, and which authentic?
Kuei-shan asked Yun-yen,
“What is the seat of enlightenment?"
Yun-yen said,
"Freedom from artificiality.”
- Kuei-shan (771-854)
And then there is the wedding garment. Is a free meal a legal contract? Either it is a free meal or it is a legal contract. I’m leery of the King’s attitude. No one wanted to come in the first place, then those drafted have to conform to his dress code, resulting in an ignominious booting to someone garbed as an outsider. I’m glad the text prefaced the story with the word ‘may’ when it said: Jesus said to the chief priests and the elders of the people, ‘The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son’s wedding. [Emphasis added]
Or, maybe not!
When the Blessed Sacrament is placed in monstrance after mass on Thursdays, the invitation is to look -- to look, perchance to see.
Dance, child, you are never not whole!
Be tossed, man, nothing defines you from outside!
Not a single one of you people at this meeting is unenlightened. Right now, you're all sitting before me as Buddhas. Each of you received the Buddha-mind from your mothers when you were born, and nothing else. This inherited Buddha-mind is beyond any doubt unborn, with a marvelously bright illuminative wisdom.
In the Unborn, all things are perfectly resolved.
(-Bankei Yotaku, 17th century Zen Master, 1622-93).
Fog bank rolls out to see.

Good white dog with black spot saddle snoozes on linoleum floor next to Waterford 103.
Then moves to sunlit door when he hears the sound of a car stopping on the road, wondering...
What may appear?