What’s wrong, said poet Richard Hugo, will always be wrong.
What’s not wrong is our inner response to what’s wrong.
The inner response, I suspect, is the only place what is wrong doesn’t own the day and the real estate of greed and delusion.
Think about it. See what is taking place. Say your mind, caring and carefully. Feel what is there and real to feel.
The world is dangerous. People do awful things to each other. Deceit and betrayal are commonplace.
But if you can see your way clearly through the exterior corruption and external chaos into interior understanding and internal peace of personal trustworthiness, there is a small instance of integrity, a core of integration that makes its way with grace.
There’s no saving the world. There’s no happy ending. There’s no rapture come to Jesus second coming clarion justice visited upon the world.
What there is, is you, saying no to perverse belief in perversity, saying yes to simple trustworthiness characterized by simplicity.
Feel it?
Think so!