The wonderful thing about being nobody in this society, culture, and existence is the practice it provides for that which we call 'death' when the body as we know it will lay itself down and be no more.
Do both prospects seem undesirable?
No matter. Pay it no mind.
Over the course of centuries,
Zen has branched out into different schools
With individual methods,
But the purpose is still the same-
To point directly to the human mind.
- Yuan wu (1063-1135)
We have the opportunity to practice here, in this society, this culture, and this existence that which will assist us in the occasions of life and death.
(A Meditation by Anthony de Mello, SJ)
"Every word, every image
used for God is a distortion
more than a description."
"Then how does one speak of God?"
"Through Silence."
"Why, then, do you speak in words?"
At that, the Master
laughed uproariously.
He said, "When I speak, you
mustn't listen to the words, my dear.
Listen to the Silence."

Whenever the feeling experience of being a stranger
arises it is an opportunity to return to the practice.
What is the practice? If I told you I would break it. But when it is felt/experienced by us, it becomes itself whole again.
The Silence Itself.
The silence of God, the silent mind, the mere and simple presence of one another to each other.
Here we are.
As we are.