Beyond me.
Written at the dwelling of a recluseAstronomers estimate there are between 200 - 400 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. That's our galaxy. One of many. How many?
Even though you have a brushwood door,
It hasn't been shut for a long time;
A few clouds, a few trees
Have been your only companions.
Still I suspect if you stay longer,
People will learn of this spot;
We'll see you moving
Higher on the mountain.
- Chia Tao (779-843)
...[I]n 1999 the Hubble Space Telescope estimated that there were 125 billion galaxies in the universe, and recently with the new camera HST has observed 3,000 visible galaxies, which is twice as much as they observed before with the old camera. We're emphasizing "visible" because observations with radio telescopes, infrared cameras, x-ray cameras, etc. would detect other galaxies that are not detected by Hubble. As observations keep on going and astronomers explore more of our universe, the number of galaxies detected will increase. (-- NASA,
Do the math.

Surely a recluse would go even there.