If you’ve got nothing to say, don’t say it.
I’d rather hear night asleep in the field than listen to some braggard telling how it was his idea to sell sand to the Pacific Ocean.
If you’ve got nothing to say, don’t say it.
I’d rather hear night asleep in the field than listen to some braggard telling how it was his idea to sell sand to the Pacific Ocean.
It is worrisome
that rightwing
radical fundamentalism
is becoming the political
stance of choice of
both US congresspeople
and white nationalist citizens.
There appears to be
a worldwide festering
of bellicose intolerance.
Or are we now
relegated to being
a reality TV audience
for performing egoic
cabaret clowns?
reading Rodriguez
internal memo
after resignation
on vince
foster's death
and circumstances
the repeated
see infra
(yes) see
also infers
see 'below'
the details as
though a
ciphering there is
much to see
under the aletheia
(Ancient Greek: ἀλήθεια)
where every
disclosure is
a covering over
hence the plea
to see under
(our inconsolable
inability to get to
the bottom of
the slippery
substance of
human subterfuge
needs no theories
no conspiracies
but merely any
articulation winds
around itself until
disentangling is
we are left to
with nothing
more than
and incense
curling into
It doesn’t
if rain
finds earth
at bottom
of birdsong
Republicans vote down January six commission.
It is a small victory for small-minded remnant of a once important political party.
It is a shame.
It will hasten demise of the Republican Party.
And beyond that, who knows?
A shameful, cowardly, small way to end.
To a sangha practitioner:
Heard richard rohr in one of his books say, (approximately):
— Faith implies doubt and uncertainty. Evil is always certain and uncompromising.—
And so, living with unanswerable questions sounds like the right balance of great faith and great doubt.
We share the dharma the way May shares green deepening trees on mountainside.
We’re no nearer.
These words about technology:
Introducing the Bremen lectures, Heidegger observes that because of technology, “all distances in time and space are shrinking” and “yet the hasty setting aside of all distances brings no nearness; for nearness does not consist in a small amount of distance.” The lectures set out to examine what this nearness is that remains absent and is “even warded off by the restless removal of distances.” As we shall see, we have become almost incapable of experiencing this nearness, let alone understanding it, because all things increasingly present themselves to us as technological: we see them and treat them as what Heidegger calls a “standing reserve,” supplies in a storeroom, as it were, pieces of inventory to be ordered and conscripted, assembled and disassembled, set up and set aside. Everything approaches us merely as a source of energy or as something we must organize. We treat even human capabilities as though they were only means for technological procedures, as when a worker becomes nothing but an instrument for production. Leaders and planners, along with the rest of us, are mere human resources to be arranged, rearranged, and disposed of. Each and every thing that presents itself technologically thereby loses its distinctive independence and form. We push aside, obscure, or simply cannot see, other possibilities.”
(—from, Understanding Heidegger on Technology )
The proleptic character of technology.
We are fabricating untouchability.
I no longer wish to be deceived.
Nor do I want some other thing.
",,,truth is loved in such a way that those who love some other thing want it to be the truth, and, precisely because they do not wish to be deceived, are unwilling to be convinced that they are deceived."
(—St. Augustine, Confessions (10:23), Fifth Century)
Neither strident nor acquiescing, I wander in bewildering silence through today and today’s tomorrow.
"I am more and more impressed by the fact that it is largely futile to get up and make statements about current problems. At the same time, I know that silent acquiescence in evil is also out of the question."
(—Thomas Merton, Faith and Violence,1968)
Where is it that prayer and fasting lead?
Annual hibernation from news in small bits, twitter, cable, other cracked shell discarding 2 minute pieces off prompter.
Time for more thoughtful writings, books, heft, details of phenomenologic observation, necessary questioning.
It was too hot yesterday.
Inhaling nontraditional pizza topping nearly suffocates my choking throat last night.
This morning.
Personalities, celebrities, broke-down politicians, mass murdering shooters, hawkers of products, spewers of rabid right wing drivel, or conjunctive left wing drivel, preachers of hellfire, or capitalistic rewards religions, for me, are incapacities.
Cedar tree outside window, branches curling upward, is zen teacher with no agenda.
Perhaps we've
never been close
paint on wall
paw on floor
rolling up
winter comforter
stuffing in
something's wrong
we've floated
away from
here am I
no longer
connected to
any tether
even desireable
looking over
pollen dust
on kitchen
skylight, pale
green hue
not planet blue
As it is:
In a statement issued Tuesday evening, Trump called the seating of the grand jury “a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history.”
“This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors,” Trump said. “Our Country is broken, our elections are rigged, corrupt, and stolen, our prosecutors are politicized, and I will just have to keep on fighting like I have been for the last five years!”
A spokesman for Vance (D) declined to comment.
(—from, Prosecutor in Trump criminal probe convenes grand jury to hear evidence, weigh potential charges, By Shayna Jacobs and David A. Fahrenthold, May 25, 2021 at 8:52 p.m. EDT, Washington Post)
So it is.
Our Tuesday evening conversation:
Let Evening Come
Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving
up the bales as the sun moves down.
Let the cricket take up chafing
as a woman takes up her needles
and her yarn. Let evening come.
Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.
Let the fox go back to its sandy den.
Let the wind die down. Let the shed
go black inside. Let evening come.
To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop
in the oats, to air in the lung
let evening come.
Let it come, as it will, and don’t
be afraid. God does not leave us
comfortless, so let evening come.
Poem by Jane Kenyon
And may morning follow.
With joy.
Carl Gustav Jung’s words.
A morning meditation:
“The individual ego is the stable in which the Christ-child is born.” – Collected Works Vol. 11
“The highest and most decisive experience of all . . . is to be alone with . . . [one’s] own self, or whatever else one chooses to call the objectivity of the psyche. The patient must be alone if he is to find out what it is that supports him when he can no longer support himself. Only this experience can give him an indestructible foundation.” – Psychology and Alchemy
“The divine process of change manifests itself to our human understanding . . . as punishment, torment, death, and transfiguration.” – Alchemical Studies
“The experience of the self is always a defeat for the ego.” – Mysterium Coniunctionis
“On the level of the Son there is no answer to the question of good and evil; there is only an incurable separation of the opposites. . . . It seems to me to be the Holy Spirit’s task and charge to reconcile and reunite the opposites in the human individual through a special development of the human soul.” – The Symbolic Life
“[There is a] . . . continued and progressive divine incarnation. Thus man is received and integrated into the divine drama. He seems destined to play a decisive part in it; that is why he must receive the Holy Spirit. I look upon the receiving of the Holy Spirit as a highly revolutionary fact which cannot take place until the ambivalent nature of the Father is recognized. If God is the summum bonum, the incarnation makes no sense, for a good god could never produce such hate and anger that his only son had to be sacrificed to appease it. A Midrash says that the Shofar is still sounded on the Day of Atonement to remind YHWH (God) of his act of injustice towards Abraham (by compelling him to slay Isaac) and to prevent him from repeating it. A conscientious clarification of the idea of God would have consequences as upsetting as they are necessary. They would be indispensable for an interior development of the trinitarian drama and of the role of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is destined to be incarnate in man or to choose him as a transitory dwelling-place. ‘Non habet nomen proprium,’ says St. Thomas; because he will receive the name of man. That is why he must not be identified with Christ. We cannot receive the Holy Spirit unless we have accepted our own individual life as Christ accepted his. Thus we become the ‘sons of god’ fated to experience the conflict of the divine opposites, represented by the crucifixion.” – The Symbolic Life
(—from, these things inside, Jung on the Christian Archetype)
Then there’s this:
“God is reality itself.”
“God is a psychic fact of immediate experience, otherwise there would never have been any talk of God. The fact is valid in itself, requiring no non-psychological proof and inaccessible to any form of non-psychological criticism. It can be the most immediate and hence the most real of experiences, which can be neither ridiculed nor disproved.”
“All modern people feel alone in the world of the psyche because they assume that there is nothing there that they have not made up. This is the very best demonstration of our God-almighty-ness, which simply comes from the fact that we think we have invented everything physical – that nothing would be done if we did not do it; for that is our basic idea and it is an extraordinary assumption. Then one is all alone in one’s psyche, exactly like the Creator before the creation. But through a certain training, something suddenly happens which one has not created, something objective, and then one is no longer alone. That is the object of certain initiations, to train people to experience something which is not their intention, something strange, something objective with which they cannot identify.
“This experience of the objective fact is all-important, because it denotes the presence of something which is not I, yet is still physical. Such an experience can reach a climax where it becomes an experience of God.”
(Jung quotes from: The Visions Seminars, Answer to Job, Jung Letters, Vol. 2, and the December 1961 issue of Good Housekeeping.)
(—from, these things inside, Carl Jung says God is reality itself,)
Reality itself.
There’s something to ponder.
This sunny birdsong cool breeze morning.
I think I’ll walk the dog.
It seems, like ocean tide, the phases of mythology rivet our attention on primordial in and out, arrival and departure, appearance and disappearance.
So too in Christian undulation mysteries:
Birth, emergence
Death, cessation
Burial, disappearance
Resurrection, reappearance
Ascension, emptiness hiatus
Pentecost, fullness via illumination and clarification.
Ordinariness, revisiting, reappraisal, inchoate insight.
His Holiness The Dalai Lama describes the Mahayana Heart Sutra in terms of personal spiritual development as a continual spiraling through the five stages represented by the final mantra "GATE GATE PARAGATE PARASAMGATE BODHI SVAHA" in his talk (cf especially time from 8:50 to 19:04). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej0_39J4yts&t=1201s. 8:50 to 19:048
If we think we've arrived, we haven't.
We are always beginning again.
Why not laugh through it.
It's a healthy way to practice.
Look again.
There's something to be said for explanation.
Explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible.
(-Eugene Ionesco, Decouvertes (1969))
Point out, if you must.
Intimate, imply, hint -- even better.
Explanation, especially overexplanation, is where innovative insight goes to die.
What a phrasing!
The oblivion of human history. Where Salome danced. Where John was beheaded. Where you and I read this.
Early Roman Period
44 A.D.: After the death of King Herod Agrippa I in 44 A.D., when the ruined Machaerus together with Perea, came under the control of the Roman Prefectus Judea in Jerusalem, a military garrison stronghold was formed for the Roman army on the ruins of the original Machaerus citadel.
66 A.D.: The citadel was taken over by the citizens of its lower city and later reinforced by the Zealot rebels.
71/72 A.D.: After the destruction of Jerusalem, the Romans—for the third time—conquered Machaerus by order of Emperor Vespasian through the Legion X Fretensis, under the commandership of LuciliusBassus, the Roman Legatus of Judea Province. The fortress of Machaerus was destroyed and vanished into the oblivion of human history.
Modern Period
1807 (January 17): Ulrich Jasper Seetzen identified the Machaeruscitadel.
1909 (January 1): Fr. Félix-Marie Abel OP identified the Machaerus lower city.
1965–1974: August Strobel surveyed and published the Machaerus circumvallation wall.
1968–2019: Archaeologists excavated the Machaerus citadel.
(—Machaerus Through the Ages, Győző Vörös November 13, 2020 , Biblical Archeology Society)
Per síngulos dies*
benedícimus te
et laudámus nomen tuum in sæculum,*
et in sæculum sæculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto*
sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine,*
miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia tua, Dómine, super nos,*
quemádmodum sperávimus in te.
In te, Dómine, sperávi:*
non confúndar in ætérnum.
… … …
Day by day
we praise you:
we acclaim you now
and to all eternity.
In your goodness, Lord,
keep us free from sin.
Have mercy on us, Lord,
have mercy.
May your mercy always be with us, Lord,
for we have hoped in you.
In you, Lord, we put our trust,
we shall not be put to shame.
(—ending verses of Te Deum, in Office of Readings, from Feast of Pentecost)