Turns out ‘spooky action at a distance’ (cf Einstein) is a thing. It’s called Quantum Entanglement. Some folks just got Noble’d for their work on it.
Millimeter by millimeter we’re coming to see.
“When you change the way you
look at things, the things you
look at change.”
—Max Planck
Some Catholic friends are peeking behind dogma and doctrine and catching glimpse of energetic source made into doctrine and dogma, coming to suspect that the clothes you wear do not make you — they just make you appear in a particular way for a particular occasion. In this way, closets are where truth goes to alter its appearance.
Let’s clear up something else. Naked truth (as a physical metaphor) is not a mythic naked body. (Cf. Lord God asking Adam in Genesis, “Who told you you were naked?”—Gen.3:11)
Some feel that the human body without clothes is not a naked body. Rather, the body is one more covering of energetic source (let’s call it) masking, or making apparent that which is, in itself, non-visible.
No one, they say, has ever seen God. Only, we might say, appearances of God. And these are troubling occasions to try to verify.
God, they say, cannot be seen.
Nor heard.
Except in the most minuscule slice of imagination across a faded frequency of dilapidated radio tubes or rusted transistors off in the corner of a collapsed barn in northwest Nebraska.
We’re leery of those who claim to hear God speaking to them. What we hear is mostly egoism and narcissism cloaked in political Versace getups or Brooks Brothers haberdashery.
Look again.
Listen again.
See anything?
Hear anything?
Right there, that looking, that listening — that’s good stuff.
God is the looking and listening.
Dont look for God. Just look!
Don’t try to hear God. Just listen!
And…take naps!
Are we good?
You bet we are!