Grey cat rousts white dog from under desk for Saturday vigils. He takes refuge on narrow bed.
Town plow goes by swiping snow to roadside. I bump thermostat in winter zendo for morning sitting. I add wood to wohnkuche woodstove.
If I were to breathe my last and fall to unbreath, I would look to all that surrounds -- human animal insect element -- and thank each, requesting they carry on, my life, that is, life itself, for me.
"If today you hear God's voice, harden not your heart." (--from Invitatory psalm)
The sound of one hand clapping is night flight through snow cloud off to northwest.
It is, different now, I see.
Oremus pro invicem!
Grey cat rousts white dog from under desk for Saturday vigils. He takes refuge on narrow bed.
Town plow goes by swiping snow to roadside. I bump thermostat in winter zendo for morning sitting. I add wood to wohnkuche woodstove.
Aperi, Domine, os meum ad benedicendum Nomen sanctum tuum; munda quoque cor meum ab omnibus vanis, perversis et alienis cogitationibus; intel- lectum illumina, affectum inflamma, ut digne, attente ac devote hoc Officium recitare valeam, et exaudiri merear ante conspectum divinae Maiestatis tuae. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
O Lord, open Thou my mouth to bless Thy holy name; cleanse my heart also from all vain, evil and wandering thoughts; enlighten my understanding , kindle my af- fections, that I may be able to recite this Office worthily, attentively and devoutly, and may deserve to be heard in the presence of Thy divine Majesty. Through Christ our Lord. AmenI
If I were to breathe my last and fall to unbreath, I would look to all that surrounds -- human animal insect element -- and thank each, requesting they carry on, my life, that is, life itself, for me.
Upanishad means the inner or mystic teaching. The term Upanishad is derived from upa (near), ni (down) and s(h)ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the quietude of the forest hermitages the Upanishad thinkers pondered on the problems of deepest concerns and communicated their knowledge to fit pupils near them. Samkara derives the word Upanishad as a substitute from the root sad, 'to loosen.,' 'to reach' or 'to destroy' with Upa and ni as prefixes and kvip as termination. If this determination is accepted, upanishad means brahma-knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed. The treatises that deal with brahma-knowledge are called the Upanishads and so pass for the Vedanta. The different derivations together make out that the Upanishads give us both spiritual vision and philosophical argument. There is a core of certainty which is essentially incommunicable except by a way of life. It is by a strictly personal effort that one can reach the truth.The Upanishads more clearly set forth the prime Vedic doctrines like Self-realization, yoga and meditation, karma and reincarnation, which were hidden or kept veiled under the symbols of the older mystery religion. The older Upanishads are usually affixed to a particularly Veda, through a Brahmana or Aranyaka. The more recent ones are not. The Upanishads became prevalent some centuries before the time of Krishna and Buddha. have no interest or concern for any individual afterlife reincarnation immortality rebirth reward or punishment heaven or hell or even nirvana bliss or moksha release. What goes round comes around; what falls flat goes splat. Water drops from house roof to porch roof as dog snores.
"If today you hear God's voice, harden not your heart." (--from Invitatory psalm)
The sound of one hand clapping is night flight through snow cloud off to northwest.
It is, different now, I see.
Oremus pro invicem!
I find the men change with knowledge and accomplishment. This could happen to all of us if we were to change our minds from a template of punish/revenge to educate/compassion.
One more thing. I have been educated beyond expectation by these men. Try it. Affiliate yourself with a prison education program. Be changed. Learn what it takes to overcome a history of unseeing. Become seers of possibility and hope.
All it costs is the loss of fear and a new currency of longing for a tangible equality.