The new day deepens what has already and unfolds what is surprising, unpredictable, and creative. You may wish to change your life, you may be in therapy or religion, but your new vision remains merely talk until it enters the practice of your day.Rokie got two leftover hamburgers from the grillman and shared part of one with us.
(p.129, Anam Cara, by John O'Donohue)
Comprehending the fundamental,We watch the film Fetching Cody and wonder whether we might move around time more than we know.
Embracing the spirit,
Roam the root of heaven and earth,
Wander beyond the dust and dirt,
Travel to work with noninvolvement.
Take care not to let mechanical
Intelligence burden your mind;
Watch what is not temporal
And remain unmoved by things.
- Lao tzu
If freedom entails setting someone free even from our love, then the way of love recognizes no person but only sees itself beyond and through each one along the way.
"The world of the past is gone. . . . Behold I am making all creation new." (God, in the Book of Revelation, quoted by O'Donohue)Nothing of the old.
Something in the new.