Monday, October 21, 2024

don’t look after me

 One day I died, thanks 

For your assistance — the ground

Will take over now

Sunday, October 20, 2024

hoc solum —


Nostra Ens


(This Alone —


Our Being


word matters, words matter

When I heard it, when I picked up my beads this morning, it mattered. 

…et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.

 “...and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”

(—fragment of prayer Ave Maria, Hail Mary) 

The womb is named “Jesus.”

And if the womb is named Jesus, then what begins in the womb and comes through the womb is called “Christ.”

Makes you wonder — how does a Christ come to be?

By being born.

Being, born.

Have we forgotten this? Or simply never noticed it before?

The womb is named Jesus. What is carried through the womb is Christ itself.

To be christian is to be born.


To be, born, is Christ-reality, mattering.

If this is true, if this is what-is, it is given to us to become what we are.


And at the hour of our death —
