Pray for a blessing!
I think about life. These days I think about death. Which means I am alive and I will die. What happens or what doesn't happen after life or after death is not a worry to me. What happens will or won't happen. For now, right here, it is enough to be here, now.
With an eye to Stringfellow:
'Dynamic and erratic, spontaneous and radical, audacious and immature, committed if not altogether coherent. Ecumenically open and often experimental, visible here and there, now and then but unsettled institutionally. Almost monastic in nature but most of all enacting a fearful hope for society.’
(--William Stringfellow in his book 'An ethic for Christians and Other Aliens in a Strange Land’ -- found on Northumbria Community website)
The cosmos is a very big place. Very big. And I am a speck, an intersecting and interpenetrating speck, but, still, a speck.
hymn to the sacred body of the universe (excerpt)
let's meet
at the confluence
where you flow into me
and one breath
swirls between our lungs
let's meet
at the confluence
where you flow into me
and one breath
swirls between our lungs
for one instant
to dwell in the presence of the galaxies
for one instant
to live in the truth of the heart
the poet says this entire traveling cosmos is
"the secret One slowly growing a body"
two eagles are mating--
clasping each other's claws
and turning cartwheels in the sky
grasses are blooming
grandfathers dying
consciousness blinking on and off
all of this is happening at once
all of this, vibrating into existence
out of nothingness
every particle
foaming into existence
transcribing the ineffable
arising and passing away
arising and passing away
23 trillion times per second--
when Buddha saw that,
he smiled
16 million tons of rain are falling every second
on the planet
an ocean
perpetually falling
and every drop
is your body
every motion, every feather, every thought
is your body
is your body,
and the infinite
curled inside like
invisible rainbows folded into light
(Excerpt of "hymn to the sacred body of the universe," from love letter to the milky way, by Drew Dellinger)
On a sidewalk at a side street in Rockland this morning as we drove from (shut-down day at) the prison, there was a hawk breakfasting on a dove by a brick building as cars slowed to gape. We continued on to The Rockland Cafe for ours -- where we surprisedly, happily sat with the Clarity Artists family.
It is our difference that accentuates our value. And each is so valuable.
Three Basic Cosmogenetic Principles
David Fenner, PhD, UNF provided the following summary of the Cosmogenetic Principle at the 1996 Earth Stewardship Conference in Jacksonville Florida.
The Cosmogenetic Principle (the form-producing power of the Universe) states that the evolution of the Universe will be characterized by differentiation, subjectivity, and communion throughout time and space and at every level of reality.
1. Cosmogenesis is ordered by differentiation. A Universe of unending diversity, there has never been a time when the Universe did not seek further differentiation. The Universe began in a concentration of energy and at each instant has re-created itself new. The seemingly infinite power for transfiguration in every region of the Universe speaks of an inexhaustible fecundity at the root of reality. The Universe comes to us, each being and each moment announcing its thrilling news: I am fresh. To understand the Universe you must understand me.
Some synonyms for differentiation are diversity, complexity, variation, disparity, multiform nature, heterogeneity, articulation.
2. Cosmogenesis is structured by subjectivity. A Universe filled with structures exhibiting self-organizing dynamics (autopoiesis) - from autocatalytic chemical processes to cells, from living bodies to galaxies. Not just living beings, but self-organizing power within all of creation. Refers to the interior dimension of things, its essence. Everything is endowed with and inner capacity for self-manifestation.
Note for humans: The movement from primordial rocks to mammalian consciousness is a radical one certainly. But we must avoid regarding such consciousness as an addendum or as an intrusion into reality. The integrity of the Universe must always be respected. Everything comes forth out of the intrinsic creativity of the Universe.
Synonyms--- self-manifestation, sentience, self-organization, dynamic centers of experience, presence, identity, inner principle of being, voice, interiority.
3. Cosmogenesis is organized by communion. To be si to be related, for relationship is the essence of existence. Nothing is itself without everything else. The Universe evolves into beings that are different from each other (differentiation), and that organize themselves (subjectivity). But in addition to this the Universe advances into communion--into a differentiated web of relationships among sentient centers of creativity. Note that relationships are discovered even more than they are forged.
Note for humans: The loss of relationship, ie to be cut off from intimacy with other beings with its consequent alienation is perhaps the supreme evil in the Universe or in religious terms the essence of damnation.
Synonyms---interrelatedness, interdependence, kinship, mutuality, internal relatedness, reciprocity, complementarity, interconnectivity, affiliation.
This Differentiation, Subjectivity, and Communion -- this life in this existence as resplendent manifestations of Being!
We gather for Friday Evening Conversation reading Raimon Panikkar.
Tonight...I sorrow at the sudden collapsing death last night of Joshua, a college student who sat up front in classes.