Laura Soul-Friend Conversation came to focus on how we language our perceptions. There's a curious disintegration of discourse and nomenclature going on in the political and governmental arenas in the United States and around the world..
--"Ending War" now means increasing troops, munitions, and spending.
--"Protecting the Environment" now means giving polluters and ravagers ten more years to consider reducing their destruction of the earth.
--"Ending Abortion" now means killing doctors and attacking clinics.
--"Love Your Country" now means supporting whatever it does with regard to warfare, capitalism, medical insurance, or powerful corporations.
--"Get Out and Vote" now means believing that no matter how frustrated you are about the policies and direction of the leaders, it can be solved only at the voting booth every 2 or 4 years.
--"Change is Coming" now means wait 2 or 4 more years before acting on the belief that voting changes anything truly important.
--"We are a Christian Nation" now means that however and whatever anyone with a gun decides the Bible means to them, they are free to start a war, kill a doctor, deny science, let illness be God's judgment, and hope for the end of the world so that you can be with Jesus in some grand hereafter. {Read "Allah" and "Muslim" for other parts of the world.}
Amos Wilder once wrote:
Generations live in it (language) as a habitat in which they are born and die... The language of a people is its fate. Thus the poets or seers who purify the language of the tribe are truly world-makers. (--Amos Wilder, Early Christian Rhetoric)
Thomas Merton once wrote that we need a new language of prayer.
This new language of prayer has to come out of something which transcends all our traditions, and comes out of the immediacy of love. (--in The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton (1975) Part One : Ceylon / November 29 - December 6)
Watching the video from "Rethinking Afghanistan" by Robert
( is part of the maddening deterioration of language -- a version of "We'll free you by killing you." Far too much latitude is given to the language: "War is messy," and "Civilians, unfortunately, are accidentally injured."
We have to listen deeper for the new language.
Each of you has a priceless
Jewel in your own body.
It radiates light through your eyes,
Shining through the
Mountains, river, and earth.
It radiates light through your ears,
Taking in all sounds, good and bad.
It radiates light through
Your six senses day and night.
This is also called absorption in light.
You yourself do not recognize it,
But it is in your physical body,
Supporting it inside and out,
Not letting it tip over.
Even if you are carrying
A double load of rocks
Over a single-log bridge,
It still doesn’t let you fall over.
What is it?
If you seek in the slightest,
It cannot be seen.
- Ta-an (d.883)
Some would say that on a higher level God knows what is happening and no one can really be harmed.
My faith seems to falter at the belief that it doesn't matter what happens to people, the earth, animals, and this unusual thing we call "existence." I don't know how to respond to those who say it is all an illusion created by our mind's perceptions, and that if we change our perception, it's all good. Some say that in this illusion we call life, it doesn't matter one way or the other. I'm agnostic in the face of such statements.
I'll be nailing ceder shingles as I consider these matters.
It will be my meditation. My prayer.
My inhaling preparation for a language soon to arrive in some coming exhalation.
Until I am able to hear the wisdom residing in the gap between breath coming and going, I'll merely practice.
As breath arrives.
As breath departs.
This is my faith.
This, my fate.