Saturday, July 20, 2024

would he and i were better men

In the flash of a single thought,

The agitated mind is put to rest. 

All the inner and outer sensations

Become lucid and transparent.
Breaking the great void
By a turning of the body,
The ten thousand phenomena
Of the majestic world
Rise and disappear.

—Han-Shan Te-Ch’ing, dailyzen

nothing other

 It’s the quiet I

Find attractive solitude

Just stillness Itself

and now, the circus clowns

 Bullet or shattered

Debris? Rogue carnivalist

Hawking illusion

Friday, July 19, 2024

above self and other, beyond coming and going

I've heard enough.

Political speech eviscerates sanity and integral intelligence.

The carnival show of ex-cons, soon to be sentenced, and unhinged poseurs finishes its four night cacophony and double-tongued mendacity.

But, cheer up. No one can sustain lugubrious pathology for long when there are sane and intelligent people in your audience.


 Madness, the way they gallop off to foreign shores!

Turning to the One Mind I find Buddhahood, 

Above self and other, beyond coming and going. 

This will remain when all else is gone.

--Tanzan (1819–1892) dailyzen

It's hard to understand the conversation that suggests the current m.a.g.a. variation of the Republican Party has any real cogency or comprehensive clarity. Not in the United States. It resembles a cocaine or methamphetamine temporary high replete with the goofing cynicism that "Nah. I'm only kidding ya!" vibe.

(I guess you can tell I'm not a fan of insincere and scam personalities performing for their donors and shilling for millions of dollars to fix mega-donors' entitled investments and future projects.)

My naïveté is inexhausible.  I have a nine-year-old's sense of justice and morality. I'm not ready to abdicate a trust in the presence of a divine energy that somehow cares for truth, justice, and the humane way.

Perhaps Buddhahood is possible. Perhaps Christ-heart is nearby. Perhaps The Way and Its Power is approaching. Perhaps Yogic Union is at work. Or Integrity. Or the Breath of Life. Or Love-Itself lingers.

Please, fault me my irrational displeasure and instinctual dissatisfaction. It's a Noble Truth.

Perhaps if we look (together)...

meditate (together)...

pray (in solitude)...

contemplate (alone)...

surrender illusion...

take refuge in enlightened thought and aware action...

perhaps --

madness will tire of us, turn around, and go away.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

milwaukee bruise

when ill-wording is

met with cheers and applause you

can be sure -- slapstick

themselves in chains

 The conflicting experience of partially watching someone give a speech. 

Earth Poem   


     (by Mahmoud Darwish) 


A dull evening in a rundown village

Eyes half asleep

I recall thirty years

And five wars

I swear the future keeps

My ear of corn

And the singer croons

About a fire and some strangers

And the evening is just another evening

And the singer croons

And they asked him:

Why do you sing?

And he answered:

I sing because I sing…

And they searched his chest

But could only find his heart

And they searched his heart

But could only find his people

And they searched his voice

But could only find his grief

And they searched his grief

But could only find his prison

And they searched his prison

But could only see themselves in chains         



(translated by Abdullah Al-Udhari)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

dreaming is much more practical than living

                   (according to F. Pessoa)

 middle July heat

doldrums, no birds, feeders bare

fans move air through room

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I told you

 its always there

the silence

just wait for it


At roundtable with intelligent conversant felons Monday morning, the following sentence was spoken about one of the presidential candidates, "I wish he were a better man."

It arose out of a long conversation. It might have been me who said it. I think it was. In fact, it was me. 

He survived, thankfully, an assassin's bullet. The comedy of who is responsible for the carnival disarray of a shot being shot and who can we blame for the near tragedy (murder is always tragic) is in high dudgean over opinion airways and sniping platforms of X and Threads.

That said, the premise still stands -- I wish he were a better man.

a small surrender

"I'm the size of what I see." -- writes Pessoa. 

Elsewhere he writes:

Knowing how easily even the smallest things torture 

me, I deliberately avoid contact with them. A cloud 

passing in front of the sun is enough to make me 

suffer, how then should I not suffer in the darkness 

of the endlessly overcast sky of my own life? 

My isolation is not a search for happiness, which 

I do not have the heart to win, nor for peace, which 

one finds only when it will never more be lost; what I 

seek is sleep, extinction, a small surrender. 

To me the four walls of my miserable room are 

both prison cell and far horizon, both bed and coffin. 

My happiest hours are those in which I think noth- 

ing, want nothing, when I do not even dream, but 

lose myself in some spurious vegetable torpor, moss 

growing on the surface of life. Without a trace of bit- 

terness I savour my absurd awareness of being noth- 

ing, a mere foretaste of death and extinction. 

I never had anyone I could call ‘Master’. No 

Christ died for me. No Buddha showed me the right 

path. In the depths of my dreams no Apollo or 

Athena appeared to me to enlighten my soul. 

(--in The Book of Disquiet, 1982,  by Fernando Pessoa.

cf. The Book of Disquiet (Livro do Desassossego: Composto por Bernardo Soares, ajudante de guarda-livros na cidade de Lisboa) is a work by the Portuguese author Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935). Published posthumously, The Book of Disquiet is a fragmentary lifetime project, left unedited by the author, who introduced it as a "factless autobiography." The publication was credited to Bernardo Soares, one of the author's alternate writing names, which he called a semi-heteronym, and had a preface attributed to Fernando Pessoa, another alternate writing name or orthonym.  (wikipedia)

His words need a warm sweater. Or, if read in summer, a cool breeze.

Difficult yet comforting to read, troubling yet necessary to quote, Pessoa was introduced to us by an elderly and lanky psychologist (psychiatrist?) who used to attend our Saturday poetry conversations at the bookshop/bakery (1996-2009). He, himself, was Pessoa-esque with tilt of head, an eponymous wanderer down winding cobblestone streets of curious identity.

Don't we love those who season our walkways!

abstract contemplations

 Finishing novel Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse for third or fourth time. 

Beginning Fernando Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet.

A little weary of world news, opinions, outrage, and unceasing accusations of one side to the other, the legal chicanery and judicial politics no longer attempting to mask favoritism and cronyism.

It is too hot — both weather and tempers. Absurdity abounds.

This breath and this breath, without aim, without goal.

The mind needs be at liberty.

Jake brakes thump down hill from Hope.

There are no arrivals, only departures.

Monday, July 15, 2024

that kind of day

 if you see me

say hello

i'm not sure

i'll know

Sunday, July 14, 2024

count me out

 no one wants

the former president


rather that justice

take him away

from public office

now a new narrative

a new victimhood

to sell bling

the day goes on

God longs to be born

in good hearts, kind minds