Religion and denominations, churches and ideological nomenclature are no longer the issue. What is at issue is the intelligence and vision of a humanity that is poised at the decision to affirm a meaningful existence of compassion, inclusion, and clear thinking -- or -- bemoan an ignorance of destruction, war, and petty turf demographics.
A religious person, I submit, is radically aware of the need for creative logos, intelligent mythos, and real service to real needs in a real and present neighborhood and cosmos.
Outmoded institutions and their antiquated beliefs are giving way to devastating new understanding demanding profound cosmotheandric (Raimon Panikkar's word) interdependent action and thought. We are no longer simply at cocktail parties raising money for hospitals and orphanages, or ambling forward at altar calls to be saved in some spiritual safety net; we are engaging the causes of disease, challenging the very notion of death, and attempting to set procreation in a meaningful context of mature relationship and dedicated commitment. It is not, nor ever has been, a universe dedicated to my personal relationship to Jesus or a governing body of a church. Such cozy comfort is gone or it is simply odd.
I opt for a Christ speaking into existence an ever-changing inspiration and love that breaks through the barriers of foregone structures and creates something ever-new and ever-present again, and again, and now!
We are only just beginning to sense the immense and profound mysteries of the universe, human and sentient beings, and the One-we-call-God.
Let us learn what prayer is, and do it!