Saturday, February 08, 2025

refusing to notice

Finished Autocracy, Inc. The Dictators Who Want To Run The World, by Anne Applebaum.

Brutal, boorish, broadly mendacious, xenophobic. The men who are taking over the world. And the obsequious tagalongs who pilot fish them.

Of course there are those who pooh pooh any concern. These are not serious people. Dehumanizing propaganda, transnational kleptocracy, covert and blatant corruption. The loopholes bypassing democracy.

It is not hard to understand the real estate underground, the crypto currency money laundering stolen wealth that are blatantly transacted and reported on front pages of newspapers.

Telling the truth, honoring facts, resisting disinformation, eschewing false narratives, not echoing the lies  -- these help. 

It seems freakishly amazing how so many of us go about our lives oblivious and disinterested in the ways our country and the world is narrowing power and control into the hands of so few, so brazen, and so self-absorbed.

Perhaps we should forbid historians and astute observers from noticing what they notice and telling what they notice. Perhaps it is better for our emotional health to ignore the danger surrounding us and quietly lay down and sleep through the plague infecting us. 

Perhaps there is benefit in going gently into that dark night.

nowhere else

The suggestion that the-one-we-call-god is head and heels beyond our comprehension is slowly dawning on me.


Poems of Friedrich Hölderlin


Celebration of Peace

Please read these pages only if you're feeling kind. Then they won't seem unintelligible, and will certainly prove less offensive. But to those who find my language too unconventional, I confess I can't help it. On a beautiful day almost any kind of song can be listened to, and Nature, where it comes from, will receive it back. The author intends to lay before the public a whole collection of similar pieces, and this is just a sample.

The holy, familiar hall, built long ago,

Is aired, and filled with heavenly,

Softly echoing, quietly modulating music.

A cloud of joy sends fragrance

Over the green carpets. Shining in the

Distance, a splendid row of gold-wreathed

Cups stands, well-ordered, full of ripe fruits.

Tables stand at the sides, rising above

The leveled ground. For now in the evening

Loving guests have gathered,

Coming from far.

And with half-shut eye I think I can see

The Prince of the Festival himself,

Smiling from the day's earnest work.

Though you like to deny your foreign origin,

And even when you lower your eye, tired

From the long crusade—forgotten, softly shadowed—

And you assume the appearance of an acquaintance,

Still you’re recognized by everyone; your superiority

Alone almost forces one to his knees.

Being nothing in your presence, I know

You are not mortal. A wise person can

Explain a lot, but where a god appears,

There is different clarity. 

The words: "And you assume the appearance of an acquaintance, /  Still you’re recognized by everyone;" suggest something to me I'd not thought of before.

Is it part of the incommunicable mystery of God that the appearance and presence of God is mutable?

        μεταβλητός, ευμετάβλητος, ασταθής. -- changeable, fickle, unstable?

And in Hölderlin’s "kindly" sense, when we recognize the face in front of us, when it "appears" to us in clarity, is it actually becoming the presence of God?

We often say we are looking for God. Is Hölderlin suggesting that by looking at, and seeing, the face that appears before us, we are looking at God?

Is God the appearance of presence in whatever form that arrives at our consciousness when it is free from ideas and concepts, opinions and judgments, fantasies and figments?

In other words, is "different clarity" that which appears when we are "Being nothing in your presence" -- nothing but unadorned body and mind dropped away (thereness/hereness) open to what is presenting itself?

Perhaps "God" is nowhere else.

And the question for us is --Where are we? 


 There’s no place 


to go.

So why not 



(When God 






all I am

I've forgotten your face.

    I have no face.

    I am God.

    I look like the one who is there in front of you.

I can't hear you.

    I make no sound.

    I am silence itself.

    What you hear is the echo of your own heart.

Thank you.

    No need.

    Everything I do is gift.

    Given without expectation of appreciation.


    Going somewhere?

    I'm not.

    Here is all I am.

Friday, February 07, 2025

care and conscientiousness

Eighty, hmmm. A good age.

A bad meal. 

Sort of what we're being served these days from Washington DC.

The Buddha died in the town of Kushinagara, at the age of eighty, having eaten a meal of pork or mushrooms. Some of the assembled monks were despondent, but the Buddha, lying on his side, with his head resting on his right hand, reminded them that everything is impermanent, and advised them to take refuge in themselves and the dharma—the teaching. He asked for questions a last time. There were none. Then he spoke his final words: “Now then, bhikshus, I address you: all compound things are subject to decay; strive diligently.”

(---from, Who was Buddha?  By Rick Fields, Tricycle, Spring 1997


A good word. 





in a way that shows care and


conscientiousness in one's work or duties. 

Care and conscientiousness.

Two additional good words. 

a different clarity

We lack clarity these days. 

Being nothing in your presence, I know 


You are not mortal. A wise person can 


Explain a lot, but where a god appears, 


There is different clarity.

(--from poem, Celebration of Peace, by Friedrich Hölderlin, translated by James Mitchell

Perhaps its because we lack nothing. 

neglect is a form of abuse

 Feminist philosopher and philosopher of education Nel Noddings (1929-2022), held that caring is the foundation of morality.

Noddings was a leading advocate of the ‘philosophy of care’, holding that caring is the foundation of morality. She argued this on the basis that each person’s identity is defined by the set of relationships they have with other humans and the world around them. Noddings did a great deal to develop this approach and she created educational concepts to go with it.

I don't think Trump, Musk, Vance, their cabinet and various administrators  -- actually care.

They are ideologues. They are scammers and grifters for whom belief in their own point of view, anything other than self-interest or winner take all, is for suckers and inferior people.

We're unsure what to do with this type of hierarchy in America. 

They do not seem to care, or, in fact, don't care.

Morality be damned. Law be damned. Decency be damned.

Only power consumes them.

And it is corrupting.

Immoral people, it could be said, just don't care.

There might not be any strategy, executive, legislative, or judicial, to deal with this current ooze of super-maga saturation of uncaring cynicism.

What will it take to arouse a sense of morality, ethics, lawfulness, and decency throughout the country?

Or are we condemned to live under autocracy, an unrepresented, and depleted people of an authoritarian uncaring and uncircumspect man and his cronies?

The opposite of care is neglect.

In the context of caregiving, neglect is a form of abuse where the perpetrator, who is responsible for caring for someone who is unable to care for themselves, fails to do so. It can be a result of carelessness, indifference, or unwillingness and abuse.[1]

Neglect may include the failure to provide sufficient supervision, nourishment, or medical care, or the failure to fulfill other needs for which the victim cannot provide themselves. The term is also applied when necessary care is withheld by those responsible for providing it from animals, plants, and even inanimate objects. Neglect can carry on in a child's life falling into many long-term side effects, including physical injuries, developmental trauma disorder, low self-esteem, attention disorders, violent behavior, and death.[2].

We will soon realize that the president of the United States is ruling by abuse and neglect.

Will we care?

Will care rise up to counter neglect? 

sozazen or soza-zen

Stretched out zazen (sozazen), or soza-zen?

I suppose if a neologism happens upon you, some research is called for.


Sozo is a Greek word that means "to save, rescue, or deliver". 

It can also mean to heal, restore, or make well. In the Bible, sozo can 

also mean to save someone from the penalties of judgment or from evils 

that prevent Messianic deliverance. 


    • Salvation: The Greek word soteria comes from sozo and means "salvation".                                   It describes the deliverance from danger, destruction, or peril. 
    • Healing: Sozo can also mean to heal someone from disease or injury. 
    • Restoration: Sozo can mean to restore someone to health. 
    • Deliverance: Sozo can mean to deliver someone from danger or peril. 
        (AI Overview) 

I’ll have to sit with this.

sozazen (stretching out zazen)

 I am




To answer


yielding nothing to light



Doge and



Pale light


Eastern branches






Not be





First thing




No cars

Thursday, February 06, 2025

winter enlightenment

let it


let it


let it


questo o quello

 no kidding  just this

inclination -- contemplate

what God is, not that

four hours down, eight to go

 after walking dog

went to market, everyone

buying food -- new snow

a soupçon of similies

 like can't get, not teeth

until I learn how much time

I have to live -- as

archeologists scrape, brush 

soil -- as, like, mine, find 

4. repélle tu calíginem

When there’s no place else to go, try prayer.

It doesn’t have to be formal and fixed prayer, but sometimes that kind just appears. Here, courtesy of Neumz. 

1. Nox atra rerum cóntegit

1. Dark night covers. 


Terræ colóres ómnium:

The colors of all things on earth;  


Nos confiténtes póscimus

We pray to you, confessing our sins, 


Te, juste judex córdium.

O just Judge of hearts. 


2. Ut áuferas piácula,

2. That you take away our sins, 


Sordésque mentis ábluas:

Wash our mind from uncleanness, 


Donésque, Christe, grátiam,

And, for your grace, O Christ,  


Ut arceántur crímina.

That all our sins be routed.  


3. Mens ecce torpet ímpia,

3. Behold our soul lies motionless  


Quam culpa mordet nóxia:

In its wickedness and the grip of guilty sin holds it fast.  


Obscúra gestit tóllere,

Yet its desire is to put away the works of darkness  


Et te, Redémptor, quǽrere.

And to seek You, its Redeemer. 


4. Repélle tu calíginem

4. Strongly repel the darkness 


Intrínsecus quam máxime,

Which is in us;  


Ut in beáto gáudeat

That the blest may rejoice  


Se collocári lúmine.

To be set in the light. 


5. Præsta, Pater piíssime,

5. Most loving Father, hear our prayer, 


Patríque compar Unice,

And you, O Christ co-equal Son, 


Cum Spíritu Paráclito 

Who with the Spirit Paraclete 


Regnans per omne sǽculum. 

Rule all the ages as they run. 





(—matutinum hymnus 6feb25)

Today, seventy two years after Latin colloquy at foot of altar 6:30am morning mass bicycling from Bensonhurst backyard on Schwinn to old wooden church a mile away, then first Latin class in north 6th street high school an hour, two trains, and three boroughs crossing in 1957, I’m finally grateful for the six plus years of studies in Latin and the additional years chanting it day in day out. 

I didn’t understand it much back then translating Homer and Vergil from Latin and Greek, but others did, and they were impressive. Psalms came easier with repetition. Basketball and baseball were easier. Mad magazine easier still.

But prayer has remained a complex translation. To whom? When? Why? How?

Out there? In here?

  • A Being imaginatively recognizable as grandmotherly/grandfatherly and concerned? 
  • Or, a fearsome exacting Roman Emperor type with whip and condemnatory scowl with video tapes of every inch and moment of my life? 
  • Or, an originary energy suffusing matter with unfathomable potential for being-there in obscure presence silent yet comforting? 
  • Or nascent genderless hermaphroditic fluidity of feminine compassion and masculine kindness approximating bodhisattvic encouragement ?
  • Or imageless silence replete with unimaginable emptiness in and out requiring stillness and radical presence to enter stillness and radical presence?

I settle with prayer as being-what-is-becoming with open readiness and steady gaze.

Hence, I pray with every breath, every act, every word, every thought, every doubt, every grace, and every configuration of presence, absence, and existence.

“Pray always, pray without ceasing” someone said.

All ways.

For one-another.


No other.


look what’s dawning at edge of frame

 Morning sun sidesteps

East across winter window 

Heading north each day

on-back zazen

only thing left is breath

pulling in night letting it out

ambient see-saw

night office

 Single light on house

middle night down road across

dim sanctuary

candle, invisible — sub

specie aeternitatis 

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

surge awry

 thing about anesthesia 

is waking up befuddled

after insides poked 

and needled, throat highway


 No one left to help —

Objectless, choiceless, no-mind

Consciousness itself

We are at the end of something

No longer there for us, gone

(beginning, beginning, beginning)

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

one stick too many


Please cool down

Joule by joule

trading seats

 Free throw, jump in paint

Three point shot, good and good, new

Luca laker sits

nigra sum sed formosa

 It is dark outside

Window reflects back inside

I can see nothing

the price paid them to move on

Both trump and musk both know their scam 

and overreach cannot persist much longer

I’d like to be the first to say goodbye

It was neither fun nor entertaining

Let them go somewhere with a big table

To count their money and laugh at the turmoil

The people and their non-traitorous non-complicit

Representatives will pick up the pieces and begin

Again to help us live fairly and without fear

While the disgraced cowardly politicians are left 

To their embarrassing and mournful legacies

the energy of life into person

 This from Cynthia Bourgeault’s book Thomas Keating, c.2024:

Ironically, the less “Thomas” there was, the more powerful his presence became. Somehow, he was learning to convert all the energy previously bound up in personal self-making into pure, luminous being. I think of him when I read these beautiful words from Ladislaus Boros’s The Mystery of Death:

Over time … there emerges the old man, the wise man, the elder, whose whole strength is in spirit, deriving from a composure we can really call saintly. Perhaps such men say little, or at any rate little of importance, but by their simple presence they transform the complex of existence and make it transparent. Their “act” of essential being is in the spiritual transparency of the realized meaning of existence… . These men have transformed all the energy of life into person.[5]

“The only habit a monk should wear at his funeral is a soul wreathed in God,” my beloved Brother Raphael had told me shortly before his own death. And that’s what people were encountering more in those final visits with Thomas: a soul wreathed in God, the pure energy of compassionate attentiveness beaming down upon them like the sun. It’s traditionally known as baraka, a direct energetic transmission of cosmic blessing. That’s what it was like to be in the presence of Thomas those final days in Snowmass. Like standing under a firehouse of blessing.

(from Thomas Keating, by Cynthia Bourgeault)

I remember him from late 70s while on retreats at Trappist monastery in Spencer. 

And his books.

And that his monks practiced zazen at 4:30am in darkened choir stalls as I did also in darkened side chapel.

the site of enlightenment

Stay or go, just be clear. Confusion is no help. A clear mind helps.  

It has been asked,
“How should those who enter the
path apply their minds?”
All things are originally uncreated
And presently undying.

Just let your mind be free;
You don’t have to restrain it.
See directly and hear directly;
Come directly and go directly.
When you must go,
Then go.

When you must stay,
Then stay.
This is the true path.
A scripture says, “Conditional
existence is the site of enlightenment,
insofar as you know it as it really is.”

(—Niu-t’ou Hui-chung (683-769), dailyzen)

I used to worry about living. Should I do this, should I do that?

I used to worry about dying. What will happen? Where will I go?

Now — living or dying, no difference, nothing to see here, nothing to see there.

Happy not to be enlightened. Happy to be the fool. 

“No I am not Prince Hamlet nor was meant to be 

Am an attendant lord one that will do

To swell a progress start a scene or two 

Advise the prince no doubt an easy tool 

Deferential glad to be of use 

Politic cautious and meticulous 

Full of high sentence but a bit obtuse 

At times indeed almost ridiculous—

Almost at times the Fool.

 (—from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, by T S Eliot)

This life of mine has been a fool’s errand, and I have carried it out well. 

In my 81st year I have nothing to say, nothing to speak for me. This is how it is. This is the way the eaves drip this morning.

Pound by pound this body diminishes. Tooth by tooth this mouth releases. Sand truck comes up Barnestown road. The road is wet, concerns for black ice. 

You know the nearer your destination

The more you're slip sliding away

(—Paul Simon, Slip Sliding Away

One minute at a time. 

Insofar as you know it as it really is.

dawning liturgy

 Grey cat hunched on sill

Eaves dripping to porch roof — birds

Come to feeder, leave

Monday, February 03, 2025

of itself

 There’s nothing I want

And I don’t even want that —

I yawn, and sleep comes

from the center of the earth

Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten.

Only a God can save us now.

             — Martin Heidegger

Snow through the night

Coup by buffoonish billionaires

Through the weekend

And the people stare slackjaw

At entertainment devices

Selling them pharmaceuticals 

What to do with our stupefaction 

How process the gobbledygook 

The ineffective over-analysis

Here’s what I think — they’ve 

Killed God — no church member 

Notices — funeral will be private

Dead, and gone. A moment of

Silence, if you will, bow head

Blow nose, sip a cocktail, eat pâté

Now then. You didn’t know God

Was a Tibetan Buddhist, did you?

God will reappear from center of earth.

Churches, synagogues, mosques, temples

Are being sold off. trump-n-musk decreed

They were money laundering criminal sites,

As were agencies intent on helping sick

And poor, all criminal, anti-American—

We’re better than that — we’re rich

Rich, rich, and we’re no fools, all money

Is ours, say t-n-m. No more law, no more

Charity, no more opposition to great men

Making America like themselves —

Cold and cruel, disdainful and dismissive

No longer giving suckers an even break 

God will come from the center of the earth

And these foolish foolish poseurs will perish

Their hearts collapse, their minds dement

God arises from the center of the earth

The stupefied will stare mouths slack

Unseeing what they see, babbling nonsense

“But where oh where are my dear leaders?”

Red faced and indignant claiming to be robbed

Of the lies they melted into gold and sold

Christ will emerge from center of everything

Buddha from earth, Mohammad from deep bow

Krishna from the inside of every act, Hashem,

That Nameless One, will smile on arrival.

All the Pagan gods will dance and twirl

Agnostics and atheists will offer tea and coffee

We will find a new peace and healthy hope

A meaningful faith, a quiet love, all in one

Wholesome holistic holiness of Whole Sight