Finished Autocracy, Inc. The Dictators Who Want To Run The World, by Anne Applebaum.
Brutal, boorish, broadly mendacious, xenophobic. The men who are taking over the world. And the obsequious tagalongs who pilot fish them.
Of course there are those who pooh pooh any concern. These are not serious people. Dehumanizing propaganda, transnational kleptocracy, covert and blatant corruption. The loopholes bypassing democracy.
It is not hard to understand the real estate underground, the crypto currency money laundering stolen wealth that are blatantly transacted and reported on front pages of newspapers.
Telling the truth, honoring facts, resisting disinformation, eschewing false narratives, not echoing the lies -- these help.
It seems freakishly amazing how so many of us go about our lives oblivious and disinterested in the ways our country and the world is narrowing power and control into the hands of so few, so brazen, and so self-absorbed.
Perhaps we should forbid historians and astute observers from noticing what they notice and telling what they notice. Perhaps it is better for our emotional health to ignore the danger surrounding us and quietly lay down and sleep through the plague infecting us.
Perhaps there is benefit in going gently into that dark night.