For good.
Today, a different understanding of God.
And -- we can only hope -- not half as neurotic, psychotic, or officiously unbearable.
Before there was One,” he said, “there was Zero, and inside that circle dwells the mind of God. One is the creation of the world. But when you have a world, you have things. So once you have One, you have Two, and then, sooner or later, infinity, infinite infinities. These are not just concepts; this is what creation is all about. Before the beginning was the Zero; in the beginning was the One. And since Two is already implied, you get curious about what would happen if the One meets the Other. Besides, there are so many things you can play with. Everyone knows that opposites attract. Well, sometimes there’s a kind of magnetic field between two opposite truths. You can use that to create something new. Or you can contemplate the two truths in such a way that they become one greater truth. They appear as if you were seeing the same thing with the right eye and the left eye, in a kind of depth vision.”
(--from, Meetings with the Archangel, A COMEDY OF THE SPIRIT, by Stephen Mitchell )http://stephenmitchellbooks.com/fiction/meetings-with-the-archangel/This is what we spoke about in prison Friday morning.
How I hope to pass away
While gazing at a round moon
In a cloudless sky
Shining over lotus flowers in full bloom.